Initially, the library was thought to be a collection of “.py” files that anyone can download and add to his/her project. It would be amazing if, one day, this library became a well-organized Python package which one can install through Pip or Conda. But, as this is an implementation developed by only one person who is pursuing his Ph.D. degree, then these steps will be considered someday in the future. For while, you just need to download the codes and call the modules as you do with any library that you create.

But, pay attention: there are packages that you must install in order to run the codes! These are packages that you can install through Pip or Conda. So, that should be an easy thing. Here is the list of the required packages:

  • Numpy
  • Scipy
  • Matplotlib
  • Numba
  • Pickle
  • Statsmodels
  • Joblib
  • Multiprocessing
  • Skimage
  • Pingouin